Welcome to EUJIR

The home to cutting-edge Interdisciplinary research

As we grapple with a number of issues at the global level, the need for an interdisciplinary approach to research is growing. We need knowledge from all disciplines and from every part of the world, so that we can find solutions to pressing global issues, such as, climate change or COVID-19.

Research Excellence

At EUJIR, we focus on publishing quality research that emanates from a rigorous research process, and has a solid practical implication.

Knowledge creation

At the age of pseudo-knowledge and alternative truths, focusing on facts and true knowledge creation is ever important.

Cross disciplinary links

One discipline or one branch of knowledge is not enough to solve today's complex global problems. An interdisciplinary approach is a must.

High Impact Research

Research is important, but so is the impact. As a high-quality, open-access journal, EUJIR's real world impact is not less than profound.

Attention to detail, rigours research and peer-review process, the result is a high-impact publication.

As a scientific scholar, your job is to focus on high quality research, and we will handle the rest. EUJIR not only provides language editing services, but also helps in communicating your research to a greater audience.

Research without borders

The European Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (EUJIR) is an open access, peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to advancing interdisciplinary knowledge. The EUJIR journal serves as a platform for dialogue and knowledge dissemination across multiple disciplines. At EUJIR, we believe in research without borders, and in integrating knowledge from both global North and the global South. We are specially interested in promoting interdisciplinary research to solve today's pressing global problems, including climate change, global health and hunger crisis, and widening inequality.


“Do research. Feed your talent. Research not only wins the war on cliche, it's the key to victory over fear and it's cousin, depression.” ― Robert McKee